Friday, July 5, 2019

Barbara Perez (1937-), colorized from a promo still for "No Man is an Island", 1962

Labeled the Audrey Hepburn of the Philippines due to her near-identical doe eyes, pixie face, swan-like neck, and 19-inch waistline, Barbara Perez in her youth looked better than her Hollywood counterpart. She appeared in No Man Is An Island, a  1962 Hollywood movie with Jeffrey Hunter (King of Kings, The Searchers) and became one of the more famous Philippine movie stars who eventually married Robert Arevalo, a fellow star with whom she often appeared and formed a love team in the 60s.

1 comment:

  1. 21 January 2020

    Alex Lim

    Dear Ma’am/Sir,


    Vibal Foundation, Inc., the philanthropic arm of the Vibal Group of Companies dedicated in preserving and promoting Philippine heritage and culture, is pleased to inform you that we are publishing the book Philippine Cinema 1897–2019, under the imprint Arte Filipino. A lavishly illustrated art book not only provides a dazzling retrospective of one hundred years of Philippine cinema, it also simultaneously traces its continuous but checkered history, and examines its artistic genres, narratives, tropes, and lore while subjecting its rich filmography to critique and film theory. This book is set to publish this year, 2020, thus we are currently consolidating materials for inclusion.

    In line with this, we would like to request permission to reproduce high resolution material/s such as:

    Barbara Perez

    Please be assured that the materials which will be used in our book (this edition and its succeeding editions, if any) will be properly attributed.

    If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to email the undersigned at and/or our Managing Editor, Ms. Kate Villaflor at

    Thank you and we look forward to your consent to our request.

    Respectfully yours,

    John Carl Lastierre
    Editorial Assistant
    Trade and Foundation Books
