Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Romanoff Family circa 1913 -1914 (Alternate Pose & Colorization)

Taken with a different pose and arrangement as the first which was the more popular of the two and also preserved with better detailing than the other earlier family shots. This alternate shot with a different order does not have the flowing graceful composition of the first with poor little Alexei overwhelmed by the crowd.

I have taken more creative liberties in colorizing this. A little research done earlier tended to show that the Tzar's imperial uniforms had a two-tone color, as is most common among royal military uniforms in Europe such as the Scott's and Hussar's uniforms, usually the neck, cuffs and breast. The colorization here takes some liberties to create a more aggressive and diverse color palette than the first. This time around, I used pastels for the ladies. 


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